Part Time Lover - Song by Stevie Wonder :: 록키의 나만의 세상

** Stevie Wonder - Part Time Lover **

Stevie Wonder - Part Time Lover Call up, ring once, hang up the phone To let me know you made it home Dont want nothing to be wrong with part-time lover If shes with me Ill blink the lights To let you know tonights the night For me and you my part-time lover We are undercover passion on the run Chasing love up against the sun We are strangers by day, lovers by night Knowing its so wrong, but feeling so right If Im with friends and we should meet Just pass me by, dont even speak Know the words discreet when part-time lovers But if theres some emergency Have a male friend to ask for me So then she wont peek its really you my part-time lover We are undercover passion on the run Chasing love up against the sun We are strangers by day, lovers by night Knowing its so wrong, but feeling so right [ Repeat ] I've got something that I must tell Last night someone rang our doorbell And it was not you my part-time lover And then a man called our exchange But didnt want to leave his name I guess that two can play the game Of part-time lovers You and me, part-time lovers But, she and he, part-time lovers 1962년 불과 12살의 나이에 'Fingertips (Part 2)'로 세상을 놀라게 한 후 1984년 'I Just Called To Say I Love You' 로 전세계적인 성공을 거둘 때까지 적어도 20년 이상 그는 최고의 흑인 뮤지션 자리를 놓치지 않았고 그는 또한 많은 동료 가수들에게 곡을 써준 유능한 작곡가였고, 거의 모든 악기의 연주를 직접 맡을 정도로 재능있는 멀티플레이어였으며 뿐만 아니라 신서사이저와 스튜디오 테크놀로지를 적극적 으로 개척한 사운드의 혁신가인 동시에 정치적으로는 비폭력을 내세운 평화주의자였답니다. 어쩌면 선천적인 시력장애가 그에 대한 온당한 평가를 가로막을 정도로 그는 흑인 음악의 역사에서 돋보이는 존재인 가수랍니다.


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